Rad Grad Tabs - Check In.png


When in a supporting role it is vital that we take steps to check in and put protective factors in place, identify and work through challenges in order to boost our own mental wellbeing.

Move For Mental Health has teamed up with iYARN to give you a tool to check in on your life, to see what areas may need some love to stay mentally well.

Sign up for iYARN by hitting check me in below and complete your check in wheel weekly (you will get an email reminder).

You will be rating your current satisfaction in 10 life domain areas on a scale of one (not satisfied) to ten (most satisfied).

When you are finished there will be a section for comments for our eyes only to help better support YOU put what contributed to your score positive or negative.

Then take a look at your wheel and answer the below questions for yourself.

Why does this area in my life need attention?

What would it take to raise my satisfaction by ONE in this area?

What can I do to raise my satisfaction in this area?